Thursday, December 19, 2013


Just so so so tired and irritated with the daily routine….

Yearning for something different… just anything…

Some TV shows or some movies or just lazing around or just plain sleeping.

N unexpectedly and suddenly that time presents itself to do just about anything that you want…
The opportunity is grabbed!

Yupiee, let me enjoy…you start watching movies, serials back to back, fast forwarded. 1, 2, 3, 4…All finished done whatever you wanted to watch.

Then you sleep sleep sleep. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wake up and you are so fully content. No more yearnings… ( for at least next couple of months ;))

These things add absolutely Nothing to my life… and yet they are just so important. Cause they propel me in the daily grid rejuvenated and with much more vigour.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Choice and Preferences

One simple example…
You want to drive or go from here to Majestic or railway station or airport whatever… Basically you want to go from one place to another…
One of you would take a shortest route…
One of you would take a little longer route which according to you would be traffic free…
One of you would take even longer route which has very few signals…
One of you would not bother about the distance at all, you want to take a route with lot of street lights and people on it. Safer it is in these days you say.
All of you would take different time to reach your destinations..That may also depend on the time of the day.
Which one is the best route? One which made you reach faster?
One of you wanted shorted distance..
One of you no traffic, one of you no signals, one of you safety…
Can time you took to reach cover all Your choices while deciding the best?
Can what is best for you be best for someone else? Nope!
This applies to practically everything in life!!
This had limited major able combinations. Take another example and you can make uncountable number of permutations and combinations…

Ok, now got that, so what is exactly the point?
Point is just that don’t judge people on the difference in choices which you are making and what they are making. They are obviously going to be different than your! Cause they are NOT you! They are not looking at it what you are looking at!

Someone is going to have a lot of buffer in estimating a task cause they are just not sure.. They are afraid of over committing and under delivering… But someone just like to be driving everyone to do a little more…

Someone is going to take recipe from you and do so much of variations to it that its going to be unrecognizable… cause they want to innovative and are experimental…but some would go for Just that authentic taste..

Someone is just going to take whatever you gave to them as a gift lovingly, cause that gift reminds them of you and your love for them…but some may not..they just want that just right T-shirt…

So just let people be. Stop having unnecessary expectations from them. Just be Cool!!
The choices they are making are not because of you. They are because of their own preferences of things…as simple as that!